Chaos and Order
As you read through the bible, consider those times around water, especially chaotic waters. Is the presence of God there? What is happening? Who is being changed and in what way?
God saves through the chaos in life. If you talk to anyone who has gray hair, you’ll hear stories about the Lord saving or bringing you through hard times. This is what God does because His presence is always there. Even when we can’t see it.
Resisting the Call
It is easy for me to judge Jonah’s rebellion. It is much harder to view my own shortcomings. I don’t even classify it as rebellion in my mind. This is because I know my good intentions, even when I don’t execute. Don’t get me wrong, Jonah’s response to God’s call is sickening. In spite of it, God acted graciously. He saved the sailors along with a whole nation. He even saved Jonah, but I’m getting ahead of myself. God’s grace covers you too. Just ask.
Before Jonah-What is the Bible?
Have you ever wondered what the Bible is all about? What do we do with what Christians call the Old Testament (Hebrew Bible)? Can’t we just stick with the New Testament? You know, all that Jesus stuff?
Passing the Baton
The struggles men face today are pornography, quitting in their marriage, and a lack of zeal for God. Many men are heavily addicted to pornography, which will begin to rewire our brain. The good news is that we can put restrictions or blocks on our devices that prevent us from looking at this filth. We can also fight to renew and rewire our brain back to God (Romans 12:1-2).