Passing the Baton
Abraham was born and raised in Oklahoma, and graduated in 2002 from Southeast High School. He played football at the University of Colorado in Boulder. He was drafted into the NFL in 2007 by the Miami Dolphins and released after his rookie season. He has worked with the OU football team as a chaplain and has been in full time ministry since 2010. Abraham has a masters degree in Apologetics, which seeks to give credible answers to Christianity. Abraham is a teaching pastor at Council Road Baptist Church.
He is married to Marjorie and they have 3 children.
How important is Fatherhood?
Fatherhood is important because most children learn how to be a dad from their father. It’s like a relay race. Every father is passing something down to his children, whether that be neglect and worldliness or godliness and servanthood. Fatherhood is important because God designed children to be raised within a family with one man and one woman. The breakdown of the family leads to the breakdown of society.
How has the importance of fatherhood changed in the last few years?
I’m not sure if the importance of being a father has changed. Maybe it has. Either way, being a father has always been very important to God. So much so that the Bible says if a father doesn’t provide for his household, then he is worse than an unbeliever and has denied the faith (1 Timothy 5:8).
What are the biggest struggles men face today?
The struggles men face today are pornography, quitting in their marriage, and a lack of zeal for God. Many men are heavily addicted to pornography, which will begin to rewire our brain. The good news is that we can put restrictions or blocks on our devices that prevent us from looking at this filth. We can also fight to renew and rewire our brain back to God (Romans 12:1-2). Next is quitting in marriage. Not too long ago, divorce was a big taboo in our culture. It was abnormal to get a divorce. But now there are yard signs that advertise how easy a divorce can be. With every man that chooses to commit adultery and leave his wife, he can plant seeds for other married men to do the same. Men have to be willing to suffer in their marriage, doing whatever it takes to stay married, and doing whatever it takes to guard our hearts from being entangled with another woman. Divorce is becoming too common, and we must fight for marriages. Lastly, us men are battling a lack of zeal for God. David writes that zeal for God’s house has consumed him (Psalm 69:9). We must become more passionate for Jesus than college football. We must begin to read and meditate on God’s Word instead of reading and constantly meditating on politics. We must fight to put our love for Jesus above the love for our family. I’m not saying these things are easy to do. But with God’s help, we can do it (Philippians 4:13) and with God’s help, we can strive to do it (Philippians 3:12-14).
How can men best help our culture today?
Follow Jesus. Nothing more. Nothing less. Nothing else. Matthew 16:24-26
How can men help our churches today?
Serve. Jesus said He didn’t come to be served but to serve others (Mark 10:45). Find ways to give to the church instead of taking from the church. We live in a consumer culture. We must fight against this and find ways to serve, whether that be in small or big ways.
How would you describe Godly masculinity?
Hands raised in worship. Notice one of the things Paul encouraged men to do in the first century, “Therefore I want the men everywhere to pray, lifting up holy hands without anger or disputing.” 1 Timothy 2:8
Men never look more masculine than when they are bending their knee or lifting their hands to the Lord. I will always have it imprinted in my brain the first time I saw my tough Uncle Tim raise his hands in worship. Growing up my uncle was the closest thing to a father I had and to see him with his hands raised to God in worship, started me on my journey to try and raise my hands too.
What is a good book you would recommend to encourage men?
Right now I’m currently listening to a book called Switch On Your Brain by Dr. Caroline Leaf. This book is revealing how powerful our thoughts are. This book is also written by a Christian scientist who loves God’s Word.
My prayer:
Heavenly Father, we don’t have what it takes to be godly men. Would You, by Your grace and for Your glory, make us more like Jesus, who is the perfect example of being a man of God. In Jesus name, Amen.
The Man Up podcast hopes to encourage men to connect with God and with other men. Our podcast will cover a range of topics that are relevant to our day and to the heart of man. It is the hosts’ desire to help men find and live out their divine purpose in life. We believe that all men and women are created in His Image and that our ultimate example is the Messiah. We hope you are encouraged to live a godly masculine life.